Employment Law – Businesses & Employers

The legal and regulatory landscape facing businesses and employers is more complex than ever before. Employers must navigate a maze of federal, state, and local laws and regulations covering many areas of employer-employee relations. Bramnick Creed guides employers in compliance and litigation-avoidance strategies and represents employers in all aspects of employment law and litigation.

Employment Contracts

For any employer, protecting its trade secrets, proprietary information, and market share is of utmost importance. Bramnick Creed assists employers in protecting their businesses from unfair competition by former employees. We advise clients on negotiating, writing, and enforcing non-compete agreements, non-solicitation agreements, non-disclosure agreements, and other employment contracts. When former employees violate employment contracts, we represent employers in pursuing compliance and appropriate remedies, including through litigation if necessary.

Employment Litigation

Bramnick Creed represents employers in defending all manner of employment claims. Our litigation practice includes defense of claims of discrimination, sexual harassment, hostile work environment, retaliation, and wage violations. Our attorneys are well-versed in employment law and experienced litigators in administrative forums like the EEOC, as well as state and federal courts. We understand that many employee claims create financial and business challenges for employers. While we are always prepared to take a case to trial, we also seek creative solutions to resolve cases as efficiently as possible.

Internal Investigations

When an employer is faced with serious allegations of employment violations, it is often prudent to retain outside counsel to investigate the matter. In many cases, a discrete and thorough internal investigation can make a difference in the likelihood or extent of employer liability and aid in ultimately resolving the dispute. The attorneys of Bramnick Creed are experienced in conducting internal investigations that assist executives, general counsel, and litigation counsel in making informed decisions.

Policies and Compliance

The best way for employers to protect against employment claims and potential liability is to establish policies consistent with the many federal, state, and local legal requirements. The attorneys of Bramnick Creed understand employment law, keep abreast of the frequent changes in the law, and provide timely and relevant advice to our business clients. We assist clients in understanding their legal obligations and creating sound policies. An investment in legal compliance now can pay dividends when employment disputes arise later.

For more information about how Bramnick Creed assists businesses in employment law matters or for a consultation, contact Joe Creed at (301) 760-3344 or JCreed@BramnickCreed.com.